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December 15, 2021

The Chyssem Project founding member Rignam Wangkhang in an interview with the Regional Tibetan Youth Congress of Toronto (RTYC of Toronto).


July 6, 2021

Deki Jamyangling arrived in Canada as one of the first Tibetan refugees in 1971. Fifty years later, she's marking the first Tibetan Heritage Month.

July 4, 2021

Founding members Dicki Chhoyang and Khando Sundup speak about the Chyssem project and the importance of recording Tibetan-Canadian oral histories during an event organized by CTC in honour of the first Tibetan Heritage Month.

October 10, 2020

The Chyssem Project founding member Rignam Wangkhang featured in an interview with Tibet TV.

October 3, 2020

The Chyssem project founding member Deki Jamyangling featured in a CBC article.

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« Nous espérons que tous les Tibétains qui sont arrivés au Canada ont reçu un accueil chaleureux et qu'ils trouveront qu'il fait bon vivre dans notre pays, un pays qui répondra à leurs aspirations individuelles dans toute la mesure du possible ».


- Pierre Elliot Trudeau, le 27 août 1971, dans une lettre adressée à Sa Sainteté le 14e Dalaï-Lama. 

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